May this year’s troubles end,
and a year of blessing begin.

תִּכְלֶה שָׁנָה וְקִלְלוֹתֶיהָ
תָּחֵל שָׁנָה וּבִרְכוֹתֶיהָ

(from the Rosh Hashanah Evening liturgy)

High Holy Day Service Schedule

All services will be in-person at the Bay Street Theater in Sag Harbor and on Zoom.

Gesher Members and registered High Holy Day attendees can access the Zoom links here.

Rosh HaShanah

Wednesday October 2 - Rosh HaShanah Evening

Evening Service 6:00 pm

Thursday October 3 - 1st Day Rosh HaShanah

9:30 am Morning Service*

Community Lunch following services (RSVP required)

2:00 pm Tashlikh on the Sag Harbor Pier

Friday October 4 - 2nd Day Rosh HaShanah

9:30 am Morning Service*

Community Lunch following services (RSVP required)

*NOTE: Morning services both days will formally begin at 9:30 am with Barkhu, the call to communal prayer. You’re encouraged to join us at 9:15 am for Birkhot HaShachar/Pesukei d’Zimra, the early morning “spiritual warm-up.”

Yom Kippur

Friday October 11 Erev Yom Kippur

5:45 pm Kol Nidre

Saturday October 12 Yom Kippur Day

9:00 am Shacharit and Torah Service

Break and time for private Musaf Amidah approximately 12:00 pm

12:30 pm Musaf

Pause 2:00 pm (approximately)

2:15 pm Yizkor (NOTE:  Doors will close promptly at 2:15. No one will be admitted after that time.)

Pause 3:00 pm (approximately)

4:15 pm Minchah

Pause 5:30 pm (approximately)

5:45 pm Neilah

6:53 pm Blowing of the Shofar

Communal break-fast to follow (RSVP required).